Tech Tips: Ask Miles (Hemisphere's Tech Support Guru)

What is the difference between MSEP and CSEP and when do I use these values?

When working with the HGNSS Vector™ product line, you will need to be aware of the “MSEP” (Measured SEParation) and “CSEP” (Calculated SEParation) values. The MSEP is the measured value in meters from the center of the primary antenna to the center of the secondary antenna. The user must measure this distance and provide it to the Vector receiver. The CSEP measurement value represents the distance between the two antenna centers using the GPS positions of the primary and secondary antennas. When a Vector GPS compass starts and obtains a position solution it then compares the MSEP and CSEP values. When comparing these two values, if there is a difference of two cm or greater the receiver will be unable to derive and / or maintain an accurate heading solution. One characteristic of the use of an incorrect MSEP value is intermittent heading. The user should take care when measuring and entering the required MSEP value as it is critical to Vector performance. Applications that require large separation distances between the primary and secondary antennas should consider the use of the HGNSS dual frequency Eclipse™ Vector based products like the VS330 as they are capable of calculating the correct MSEP and CSEP values on their own when the distance between the primary and secondary antennas is greater than four meters. Your Hemisphere GNSS dealer can provide all the benefits and performance advantages provided by the VS330.