Recently, Hemisphere participated in a 3-day demonstration in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil put on by one of its dealers, Sight. The event had a total of 85+ attendees ranging from end users to government organizations working in industries such as: GIS, Oceanography, Marine Survey, Oil & Gas, and many others. The purpose of the event was to showcase a full turnkey solution for anyone to apply to any marine survey-based project.
Companies presenting and offering parts of the turnkey solution were SeaFloor (drone boat), Teledyne (multibeam echo sounders and sensors), Hemisphere (accurate centimeter-level positioning), and QPS Software (data processing software).
Presentations were held in the morning and the demonstrations in the afternoon where words truly turned into action. Hemisphere supplied both an S321 GNSS Smart Antenna for reliable RTK positioning and an AtlasLink™ GNSS Smart Antenna for receiving Atlas GNSS Global Corrections. The crowd witnessed how the S321 achieved an impressive 1 cm level of accuracy and the AtlasLink achieved less than 6 cm.